A Rúnaí, a chara,
An update for Clubs regarding the none playing of games due to unplayable pitches over the last two weekends.
The good news is over 55% of games played.
U12 age grade
U13 age grade
U14 age grade
U15 age grade
U16 age grade
The games programme is the same for hurling & football for all age grades.
Master 2024 Juvenile Fixture Calendar issued December 2023: https://uploads.dublingaa.ie/files/22/master_juvenile_fixture_calendar_for_2024_issued_15th_december_2023.xlsx
Note: I am still working off 2023 contact distribution lists for non @gaa.ie accounts so please forward to the relevant person in your Club if you no longer hold the position.
Yours in Sport,
Damian Ó Murchú
Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath