Please note both CCC1 & CCC2 have decided that the U12 & U13 Back Matches rescheduled for this Sunday March 11th will now not proceed.
Both CCCs recognise pitches will be under severe pressure to facilitate the regular scheduled games for this weekend. Therefore to avoid any uncertainty , the U12 & U13 rescheduled back matches will now not proceed on Sunday as indicated last Thursday.
The two committees recognise the importance of playing our U12 & U13 Football & Hurling grading games before moving to League competitions. Therefore the commencement of U12 Football Leagues , U12 Hurling Leagues, U13 Football Leagues & U13 Hurling Leagues are likely to be delayed until as many grading games are completed . CCC1 & CCC2 will keep you updated but it is likely League proper games at U12 & U13 will now be scheduled for the month of July.( usual summer fixture regulations will apply).
Please advise your U12 & U13 mentors re: Sunday games (U15 Football fixtures proceed as issued yesterday).
Yours in Sport,
Damian Ó Murchú
Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath