Mo Chairde,
CCC2 issued the revised juvenile fixture calendar for the resumption of juvenile activities on 25th June and per that schedule U13 & U14 activity will resume Saturday 22nd August with Hurling and Football activity commences the following week.
Before all activity was stopped Féile gradings had been issued and feedback received, so I attach details for the 7 Féile na nGael Divisions & 10 Féile Peil na nÓg Divisions. If your circumstances have changed and you need to withdraw a team, please advise the committee immediately. CCC2 hope to issue the Groups for each Divisional by next Friday 31st July.
I also attach the recently issued regulations for Féile and U13 Grading Leagues.
U13 grading League regulations
I wish to highlight a few regulations:
In all competitions the following will apply:
U14 competitions
The top two teams of each group shall qualify for semi-finals of the Cup. – 1st placed team in group A v 2nd placed teams in group B. The semi-finals of the Shield - 3rd placed team in group A v 4th placed teams in group B. If a neutral venue for Cup Finals not possible a draw will determine Home advantage for the Final. A draw for Home Advantage for each Shield Final will take place.
U13 competitions
Teams will complete the grading games issued at the start of the year for all Hurling and Football leagues. Your placing will determine divisional status for U14 in 2021. U13 games will not be deferred for participation of players in Féile competitions.
CCC2 recognise that Clubs normally use the grading leagues at the start of the season to determine if they can fulfil a normal full league programme. Note as per above for the U13 Grading League Divisions 11, 12 & 13 a minimum of 11 aside can be played. Please advise CCC2 if you need to withdraw a team. These leagues will not be amended and all remaining fixtures can be viewed at https://dublingaa.ie/competitions/juvenile select age grade, code & division.
For U13 grading league games:
Yours in Sport,
Damian Ó Murchú
Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath