I attach fixtures for both juvenile committees for this coming weekend (U8, U9, U10, U11 & U14 Football will commence on Saturday February 15th)
I also include the 2020 Juvenile Football Contact details as supplied by Clubs Officers.
A CCC2 County Delegate meeting will take place on Tuesday February 4th in Parnell Park at 8pm. The principle business will be confirming Hurling gradings for U13 to U16 age groups. Clubs should send a representative from their U13 Hurling teams to be briefed on how CCC2 operates versus CCC1.
CCC2 attach an update on proposed hurling gradings following feedback from Clubs. The committee will take on board further feedback up to 3pm tomorrow Tuesday. As stated before in proposing any divisional change, please indicate the Club Team who should be switched to facilitate your request.
Finally, a CCC1 County Delegates meeting will take place on Wednesday February 5th at 8pm in Parnell Park. I now attach the proposed hurling gradings which now include the U12 age group based on the self grading feedback.
Yours in Sport,
Damian Ó Murchú
Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath