The "I DO" Campaign was present at Croke Park on Sunday for Dublin's Leinster Championship Openers. The Dublin Hurlers and Footballers wore "I DO" branded bibs (as seen in the photo above of Paul Ryan and Michael Carton) and a promotional video was played on Croke Park's new HD screens also.
About the Campaign:
This Dublin GAA “I DO” campaign invites all those living and working in Dublin City and County and beyond to join with us and say “I DO” The aim of the campaign is to promote positive mental health awareness at an individual, family, club, and community level across the communities of Dublin City and County and further afield.
When asked “ Do you accept that your mental health is an equal challenge to your wellbeing as is your physical health?” over 20 Dublin players including Dublin Football and Hurling Managers responded “I DO “ and came together to show their commitment on video.
The initiative is led out by Dublin’s County Board Secretary John Costello and Dublin football and hurling managers, Jim Gavin and Ger Cunningham. Over 20 well known players from Dublin Football, Hurling, Ladies Football and Camogie teams have joined together and given their time to be part of and support this very important campaign. The ‘I DO’ campaign has been developed by the Dublin GAA Health and Wellbeing Voluntary working group that came into existence earlier this year, under the Chairmanship of Clare O’Sullivan (Naomh Olafs) , Michael O’Toole, PRO (Craobh Chiarain) and Stephen Maguire, Secretary (Fingal Ravens).
The World Health Organisation 2014 defines well being as a balance between mental and physical health. The Dublin GAA “I DO” campaign aims to further enhance mental health awareness and encourage all of us to “own our mental health” and help to make the discussion mainstream. The emphasis of the campaign is on:
1. Encouraging 100% of us to acknowledge WE ALL have mental health and “OWN IT”
2. Recognising that mental health needs to be on an equal footing with physical health
The Dublin GAA “I Do“ campaign sends out the message that you are not alone - people do understand and are there to support you. The message is clear - Lets all support each other in recognising mental health and saving lives particularly during the lead up to Christmas and New year.
Join the Dublin GAA “I Do” campaign today; watch the video on dublingaa.ie and DubsTV. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and Say “I DO” Spread the message, Raise awareness, Open the discussions. Be there for each other. Ask for and give support.
There are many reputable organisations carrying out excellent work with those experiencing the effects of depression self harm and suicide. These include the HSE, particularly your local GP, Pieta House, Samaritans, AWARE, Console, Headstrong among others. “Dublin GAA Supporting you and your Mental Health with I Do Campaign” Further information contact Michael O'Toole (PRO) otoolemicl@eircom.net or Clare O’Sullivan (clare.osullivan@innovate-together.com) Chairman Dublin Health and Wellbeing Working Group.