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Dave Hickey Tournament Finals- ​Dublin Senior Football Regional Charity Tournament 2022

Dave Hickey Tournament Finals- ​Dublin Senior Football Regional Charity Tournament 2022

Mon, 19th December 2022

The rescheduled Dave Hickey Cup and Plate Finals will take place on Wednesday, December 21st at DCU Sports Campus

The Plate Final will throw-in at 6.45pm, with the Cup Final taking place afterwards at 8.15pm, with entrance to the DCU Sports Campus via the Ballymun Rd. 

The Dave Hickey Tournament was established 3 years ago and has been contested by members of the Dublin senior and development football squads. 

Wednesday's Finals will pit Dublin North versus Dublin South in the Cup Final (8.15pm), while Dublin West will meet the Dublin Development Squad in the Plate Final beforehand (6.45pm). 

Admission Fee: €10 (if patrons can afford). Juveniles (U16) will be free of charge. 

All proceeds will go to the Dublin Football charity partners (The Soar Foundation and Respect). 


Dave Hickey Cup Final Panels

Dave Hickey Plate Final Panels


The internal Dave Hickey Cup competition affords Dublin management the opportunity to assess emerging talent within the county, while running the eye over current squad members. 

This year we are opening up the competition finals to Dublin football supporters, while also raising some badly needed funds for the two charity partners of the Dublin football team- The Soar Foundation and Respect

This internal competition is named after iconic Dublin footballer, Dave Hickey. 

Dave and his former teammates of the '70s have been inspirational figures within Dublin football, single handedly changing the Gaelic Games landscape in the county. 

In addition to being a powerhouse on the field of play, Dave has been a pioneer in his professional career as a surgeon. 

He has also been a huge advocate for change in the lives of those who are much less fortunate than most, at home and abroad. 

Dave continues to have an impact on Dublin football. He has had a strong connection with the senior football team over the past decade as a team selector, team doctor, confidante and close friend to players past and present. 

To all Dublin players, young and old, Dave Hickey is a fantastic role model and Dublin players feel honoured to compete for this trophy in his name. 

We look forward to Dave presenting the cup to the winning teams on Wednesday evening. 

Dublin South are aiming to retain the Dave Hickey Cup, having beaten the Dublin Development squad in the semi-final by 2-12 to 1-09. 

The other semi final saw Dublin North beat Dublin West on penalties, after their semi-final ended in a draw (3-12 to 1-18). 

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