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STATEMENT: Covid-19 Dublin GAA Games Programme

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Mon, 17 August 2020

A message sent to Dublin GAA Club Officers:

Dublin County GAA Board (DCB), along with all GAA Units, has resumed a modified activity programme in line with the GAA Covid-19 Safe Return to Gaelic Games guidelines and protocols.

In advance of a return to games DCB, acting with its adult and juvenile committees, fully understand that certain members may not wish to resume their involvement with their teams.

DCB agreed that non-participation will not have any impact on a clubs’ status or position in competitions for the 2021 season.

The playing of our games has been classified as a Casual Contact activity.

All Players, Parents/Guardians, Team Personnel and Referees will at this stage have completed the certified eLearning Module.

In addition, individuals will have completed a Health Questionnaire and the ongoing regular Declaration update before every game and training session.

If a Player, Match or Team Official displays positive symptoms, he/she should refrain from further activities with immediate effect.

The individual with symptoms should contact a GP who will arrange a test if required.

If the test is NEGATIVE:

- no further action is required and the player should be symptom free for 48 hours before returning to activity.

If the test is POSITIVE:

– The individual goes into self-isolation and follows HSE directions;

– Contact tracing takes place by public health authorities (HSE) who will determine who are close or casual contacts;

– If deemed a Casual Contact, GAA involvement continues as normal as long as symptom free. However if an individual develops symptoms, he/she should ring their GP and the player should of course stop training.

– If deemed a Close Contact, the individual has no GAA involvement and will be tested.

In following the GAA Covid-19 Safe Return to Gaelic Games guidelines and protocols, DCB, through our Clubs, have invested a significant workload in putting in place these guidelines and protocols- the sole purpose being the safety of our members and our communities but also trying to maximise the playing of our games in the current Covid-19 environment.

Games and training sessions should not be cancelled due to the confirmation of positive Covid-19 case to a member of one of our clubs.

Those individuals who are clearly Close Contacts, like family members, should cease involvement with their clubs until tested.

However, all others should continue as Casual Contacts unless advised to the contrary by the HSE.

However, I do accept that it is the prerogative of each club to adopt a cautious approach if they decide to suspend activity, but the DCB games programme will continue as scheduled.

Kind regards,

John Costello,

Dublin County Board Secretary