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Senior hurlers ready to rise to challenge of knockout stage of league

Senior hurlers ready to rise to challenge of knockout stage of league

Mon, 21st March 2016

Dublin hurling manager, Ger Cunningham, says Sunday's NHL1A clash with All-Ireland champions Kilkenny was an important day in the learning curve for his developing team.

Despite the defeat Ger stressed that the squad will come on from the lessons learned.

"It’s a great experience for some of our guys to come down here. They play a different game of hurling – a very, very physical game. The intensity was way up on anything we’ve played so far," stresses Ger.

“That’s where we’ve got to go to - that’s the challenge we have. Hopefully we can bring that to the quarter-final.

“Some of the turnovers were poor enough, but it’s like anything – you just don’t get the time down here

“And then we weren’t putting the ball to hand. We were putting the ball down on the ground, and it’s just giving Kilkenny a chance to take us out in a tackle.

So, there’s learnings from it ... but overall we’ll take a lot of positives from it in the second half.”

Dublin hurlers will enjoy home advantage for their upcoming NHL Quarter-Final.

Ger Cunningham’s men will face Limerick in Parnell Park on Saturday, April 2nd (7.0).

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