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Rory O’Carroll puts future Dublin plans on hold

Rory O’Carroll puts future Dublin plans on hold

Fri, 26th February 2016

Dublin's All-Star full-back of 2015, Rory O'Carroll, has adopted a let's wait and see approach as he gets ready to jet off to New Zealand on a Work/Travel visa.

The powerful Kilmacud Crokes man will not feature in Dublin's plans for 2016 and his future in the famous navy and blue jersey is currently uncertain.

“What I have said to Jim (Gavin) is I asked him not to consider me for selection for the 2016 season.

“That could last forever and I might never play for Dublin again but I don’t like to put any limits or titles on things.

“I’m open to the idea I could play again I’m open to the idea I may never play again.

“I’ll just see how it goes, I’m not too worried about what is down the line.

"There’s always been a part of me that wanted to go (travel) and no matter what you do, you’re always going to have some regrets regardless, no matter what decision you make.

“You just try to pick the one where you have fewest regrets and that was the one I was left with.

"I will miss it and I will miss a lot of aspects of it,but there are other avenues and paths in life I’d like to go down as well," concludes Rory.

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