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Kevin McManamon sets new goals for new season

Kevin McManamon sets new goals for new season

Tue, 26th January 2016

Playing crucial roles in winning three All-Irelands in five years has only served to whet the appetite of Kevin McManamon as he sets his personal goals for 2016, which begins in earnest with this Saturday night's NFL encounter with Kerry in Croke Park (7.0).

The powerful St Jude's man has secured legendary status with his 'super-sub' roles in huge Croke Park games but Kevin is not just content to play that role.

"It’s a big bullseye for me. I want to do something that I’ve never done before and that’s be a big player for 70 minutes, rather than what I’ve become accustomed to or what management have decided for me," says Kevin.

“Circumstances have decided as well – players playing better than me in the All-Ireland Series but there’s no doubt that that’s the goal.

“I like a challenge. You’ve got your renowned starters every year and I’d always love to get one of their spots. It would be a nice little feather in the cap if you could get in ahead of the guys who are going to be seen as the greats. It’s a sticky forward line but, yeah, I like a challenge.”

Kevin is looking ahead to the commencement of the 2016 league and getting games under the belt in Croke Park, although he is doubtful for this Saturday's clash against the Kingdom.

"It’s nice to be able to play against the big teams. Something I found very difficult when I started my career was to play in Croke Park. I found it a little daunting, particularly in 2010. I didn’t deal with the pressure very well. I was very nervous.

“I learned how to deal with it and by 2011, I think I got five games in Croker in 2011 and that was it then. That was it banished. That was the monkey off my back. And I learned how to embrace Croke Park rather than have any edge of doubt or worry in my game, like I had in 2010.

“All I wanted at that point was to play a championship match for Dublin. So I could have one up on my Da. All I ever wanted was to play for Dublin.

“It’s amazing. It was just overwhelming on the day. I had 50,000 people shouting at me and it was a sticky day.

“We were playing Wexford here on my debut and I was taken off at half-time because I didn’t perform. I just wasn’t myself.

“I didn’t feel loose. It was just nerves overtook me and negative thoughts. Luckily, I’ve learned how to deal with it.”

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