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Interpretation of Playing Rules of Hurling

Fri, 13th June 2014

Effective from Saturday, 14th June 2014 

Interpretation of Playing Rules of Hurling

A chara,

Attached is an Interpretation of Rule in relation to the Playing Rules of Hurling, approved by Central Council that will come into effect on Saturday 14 June 2014.

Having considered the current implementation of our rules in respect of the taking of penalty pucks and free pucks from the 20m line, Coiste Bainisti was concerned that it was endangering the safety of our players and that urgent action was necessary.

What Central Council has approved through this Interpretation is a temporary measure to take us through to next Congress. 2015 is a year in which Congress can make playing rule changes and every unit of our Association will have the opportunity, through motions, to put forward its proposals on the taking of penalty pucks, 20m free pucks etc. 

We have no doubt that, at Congress, we will reach a consensus on a better way of dealing with the concerns on player safety that prompted this Interpretation.

Is mise le meas,
Páraic Ó Dufaigh

Rules 2.2 Exceptions (i) and (ii), 2.3, 2.5, 4.16(b)

  1. The terms "taken" or "retaken" in Rules 2.2 Exceptions (i) and (ii) and 2.3 shall mean the ball being "struck".
  2. A player taking a penalty or a 20m free puck, may bring the ball back up to seven metres from the 20m line for the purposes of making a traditional run at the ball, but shall strike the ball on or outside the 20m line but not inside it.
    Exception:  In the context of Rule 2.5, if a player taking a penalty or free puck on the actual 20m line fails to lift the ball at the first attempt or fails to strike it with the hurley, and that action causes the ball to marginally cross inside the 20m line, the player, as provided for in this Rule, shall be allowed to strike the ball on the ground without delay.
  3. (a) The players defending a penalty or free puck awarded on the centre point of the 20m line shall stand on their goal-line and may not move towards the 20m line until the ball has been actually struck. "Lifting" the ball with the hurley does not constitute "striking the ball".
    (b) The players defending a free puck awarded on the 20m line at a point other than on the centre point of that line shall stand a minimum of 20m from the point of award of the free and may not move closer to that point of award until the ball has been actually struck. "Lifting" the ball with the hurley does not constitute "striking the ball".
  4. This Interpretation shall, in accordance with Rule 3.43, Official Guide Part 1, have the force of Rule until Congress 2015, when the issues will be further addressed by way of Motion(s).


 Points to note

  • Where a player taking a penalty or a 20m free strikes the ball from inside the 20m line, the penalty shall be as in Rule 4.25
  • Cancel free puck or sideline puck
  • Throw in ball where the foul occurred, except as provided under

Exceptions (v) and (vi) of Rule 2.2 

  1. After a foul, play is restarted by a free puck or a throw in where the foul occurred (Rule 2.2 - Playing Rules of Hurling).  Therefore, where play is re-started by a free puck, the ball must be struck at the point where the foul occurred.   As in football, the player taking the free puck may bring the ball back as far as he wishes for the purposes of making a run before striking the ball.
  2.  No free may be struck from inside the 20m line other than as provided for in Exception stated in (2) above.

Effective from Saturday, 14th June 2014

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