The GAA's Coaching and Games Development team will host a webinar on Monday, December 16th on the new Gaelic Football rules passed by Special Congress last weekend.
The webinar will aim to give coaches and players a better understanding of the new rules.
Members of the Football Review Committee who will speak on the webinar include Éamonn Fitzmaurice, James Horan, Colm Collins and Colm Nally.
The GAA's National Player Development Lead, Jack Cooney and National Coach Development Coordinator Emma Byrne will also contribute.
As well as outlining how the new rule enhancements will work, this webinar will also discuss coaching strategies a coach might employ to maximise their potential.
Those who register for the webinar can submit questions in advance which will be dealt with on the night.
The webinar will also direct coaches to further resources around the new Gaelic football rule enhancements that will soon become available, both online and face to face.
Registration for the webinar is now open here.
Further information is also available here: https://learning.gaa.ie/FRCFAQ.