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​Dublin GAA Scór na nÓg County Final 2024

​Dublin GAA Scór na nÓg County Final 2024

Mon, 30th September 2024

The Dublin GAA 2024 Scór na nÓg County Final will take place on Sunday 3rd November at 2pm. 

It will be held at Erin's Isle GAA Club at Farnham Drive in Finglas. 

Scór, what is it?

Scór is the GAA competition that promotes areas of Irish culture in addition to our ball games. 

The competitions are divided into Scór na nÓg (Under 17s) and Scór Sinsir (Over 17s) and involves county champions competing to represent their province at the All-Ireland final. 

Winners at the finals are All-Ireland champions and are presented with All-Ireland medals and trophies in a similar manner to other GAA codes. It is a huge honour to represent your club and county at a national level.

The Scór competitions consist of 8 categories and clubs can participate in any amount of categories they wish. 

Clubs playing multiple codes can enter multiple times, for example a club that plays GAA and Ladies Football could enter 2 teams in the same category. 

The categories are:

Table QuizTeams of 4 answering questions on GAA, Irish History, Geography, Irish and World Current Affairs, etc...
Céilí dancingTeams of 4 to 8 dancers.
Solo singingSong of the history of Ireland, its people, places and folklore.
Recitation / StorytellingRecitations, monologues, poems and stories relating to Ireland, its history, local folklore, people and places.
Ballad Group3 to 5 members playing 2 ballads contrasting in tempo.
Novelty ActStage presentation / drama piece, rich in cultural content with a theme based on an aspect of Irish life, culture or folklore.
Instrumental Music-2 to 5 members playing 3 tunes (2 tunes for Scór na nÓg).
Set Dancing4 to 8 dancers performing 2 figures of a set.

The Scór competitions are conducted through the English language ach bíonn fáilte mhór i gcónaí roimh iontrálacha i nGaeilge. 

Dublin GAA has had success through the years with Crumlin, Clan na Gael Fontenoy, Oliver Plunkett's, St. Anne's, Lucan Sarsfield's, St. Vincent's, Na Fianna, Erin’s Isle and Dóchas Éireann (DCU) all enjoying All-Ireland success at various stages.

Should your club like the opportunity to represent Dublin GAA they should register for the Scór na nÓg (Under 17s) Dublin County Final that is being hosted by Erin's Isle, Finglas on Sunday 3rd November. 

Entries need to be registered with or 086 3814422 by Friday 25th October. 

Tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ó Liam ag 086 3814422 nó na naisc thíos:

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