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Dublin GAA Kicks Off Ground Breaking Partnership with Bavaria 0.0% Non-Alcoholic Beer

Dublin GAA Kicks Off Ground Breaking Partnership with Bavaria 0.0% Non-Alcoholic Beer

Mon, 9th March 2015

Zero Alcohol, Zero Limits with Bavaria 0.0% beer!

Today, Dublin GAA are truly excited to announce a new and ground breaking partnership with Bavaria 0.0% non-alcoholic beer. The three year sponsorship deal came into place on March 1st, 2015 and runs through to February 2018 and is the first and largest non-alcoholic sponsorship agreement ever to be concluded in Ireland. The deal was negotiated by the Rye River Brewing Company, distributor for Bavaria, Hollands Premium Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beverages. This partnership has the ability to make huge waves in how we consume alcohol responsibly taking the conversation away from minimum pricing and ‘alcohol sponsorship’ and rising above it with the award winning taste of Bavaria 0.0% which could have a significant impact on how the drinks industry is viewed! 

Tomás Quinn, Commercial and Marketing Manager Dublin GAA said; “We are delighted to be working with the team from the Rye River Brewing Company and with Bavaria 0.0%. The health and well-being of our teams and our fans, especially our young and impressionable fans, is extremely important to us. The opportunity to actively lead change in thinking and in practice has always been a part of the Dublin GAA. It was a no-brainer for us to partner with Bavaria 0.0% and we look forward to building a relationship which promotes not only sports but follows through with the health and education of our teams and our fans.” 

Non-alcoholic beer is the fastest growing beer category in the world, with Global sales of more than 25 million hectolitres. In the past 5 years, the Western European non-alcoholic beer market has grown by 53%. Bavaria 0.0% Original is a 100% non-alcoholic pilsner and is brewed with the best natural ingredients. Bavaria 0.0% is a beverage made with pure spring mineral water that forms the base of this refreshing non-alcoholic beverage and contains 68% less sugars and 41% less calories than the average soft drink or fruit juice. 

Frank Swinkels, CFO for Bavaria commented, “We are delighted to be working with the Dublin GAA. We developed our patented method of brewing Bavaria 0.0% with a more health conscious and active society in mind. We see non-alcoholic beer as no longer being relegated to those who are designated drivers, but as a refreshing choice for those who are looking for the great taste of beer but don’t want the calories or the effects of alcohol.” 

Pamela Ryder, Head of Marketing for the Rye River Brewing Company added, “This is a fantastic opportunity for us and our chance to lead the way on how Irish society thinks about alcohol. This partnership gives us a terrific platform to make changes and influence our culture and our children’s view of alcohol and how it should be consumed. Being a leader in the brewing industry in Ireland and a part of a conscientious society, we believe it is our responsibility to work with organisations such as the GAA to help educate children, young adults and the wider legal drinking age consumer on the effects of irresponsible consumption of alcohol and its effects on leading a healthy active life, especially in their enjoyment and participate in sports.” 

Across the globe, Bavaria 0.0% is as a tasteful, non-alcoholic beer. Most other breweries who offer a ‘non-alcoholic’ beer extract the alcohol by filtrating or through evaporation. Bavaria is the only brewery that brews their 0.0% beer with their own patented method that does not produce any alcohol what-so-ever. Their method prevents alcohol forming from the outset, thereby preventing the loss of vital aromas, guaranteeing the unique and real beer flavour. “With our patented process for making Bavaria 0.0% you are guaranteed to not only experience the great refreshing taste of beer that our active and health conscious customers are looking for, but they also get the benefits of Zero Alcohol and Zero Limits!” added Frank Swinkels, Bavaria.

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