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Cumann na mBunscol Update- September 2024

Cumann na mBunscol Update- September 2024

Mon, 30th September 2024

Ádh Mór Ort A Niall

News that Niall Ó Ceallacháin will be the new Dublin hurling manager, was warmly welcomed in Cumann na mBunscol circles. 

Niall is a former Pupil of Scoil Móibhí and he represented Dublin Cumann na mBunscol in the hurling-shinty exchanges. He played in Inverness in 1996. 

Niall was also on the Cumann na mBunscol hurling team that played Meath in a festival of Gaelic sport in Walterstown in 1995. 

Conal Keaney and David ‘Dotsy’ O’Callaghan were the two midfielders on the team. 

Cumann na mBunscol teachers wish all the very best to Niall as he takes the helm of the Dublin senior hurling ship. 

Niall, his team and the players will have the full backing of Cumann na mBunscol in the years ahead. Go néirí leo. 

Niall is pictured 5th from the left in the front row. Also on the team are Conal Keaney (3rd from the right, back row) and ‘Dotsy’ O'Callaghan (third from right front row). Tom Ryan and the late Tom Fitzpatrick were the teachers in charge. 

Bliain Úr Peile

The playing fields of the capital will be extremely busy in the coming months as 467 teams enjoy the thrills and passion of Gaelic football at its very best. 

This is one of the biggest ever entries as children dream of a magical trip to Croke Park for finals on October 21st and 22nd. 

20 finals will be played over the two days & some former Dublin and Cumann na mBunscol stars will be there to present medals & cups. 

Rhys Ó Mongaigh Cuidithe, from Gaelscoil Míde, with his family after success in Croke Park. The talented hurler and footballer was featured in the Allianz sting used on television during he 2024 league and championship campaigns. Rhys and his teammate, Conall Ó Gallchóir, appeared on the front page of The Irish Times after last seasons finals. 


The good relationship between Cumann na mBunscol and the ever-active FODH has taken a significant step forward recently. 

The two organisations are working on a hurling summer course for teachers as a contribution to enhancement of hurling/camogie coaching in Cumann na mBunscol schools. 

This is a welcome development with details to be announced shortly. 

The FODH annual awards night will be held in the Bonnington Hotel on November 22nd. 

The Cumann na mBunscol ‘School Of The Year’ will be announced on the night. 

The two organisations will also cooperate on two highly-successful Cumann na mBunscol programmes- Poc Fada and the GAA Museum Interactive Challenge. 

Gary Flanagan and his son, Sam, at the Hooked On Hurling initiative in the GAA Museum.

Corn Nua

Two Cumann na mBunscol Kerrymen were honoured with cups presented in their names in recent years. 

Firstly, the great Rathmore man, John Nagle was honoured. 

John taught in St. Bernadette’s, Quarryvale and was a great St. Anne’s clubman. 

Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh was honoured in 2019. 

He taught in founder-school St. Laurence O’Tooles in Sheriff St and was a great supporter of Cumann na mBunscol work. 

Geoff Keating, from Renard, was a founder member of Cumann na mBunscol in 1928. 

He taught in Star Of The Sea NS in Sandymount. 

From a strong republican family, Geoffrey’s brother, Con, was one of the first casualties of the Easter Rising in 1916, when he was drowned near Killorglin in Co. Kerry. 

Geoffrey will be honoured by Cumann na mBunscol, with a cup in his name, at this year’s finals in Croke a Park on October 21st.

Remembering Tom

The first anniversary mass for former Cumann na mBunscol Rúnaí, Tom Fitzpatrick, was held on Saturday September 28th in Fanore Church, Co. Clare. 

The mass was accompanied by the wonderful traditional music that Tom loved. 

Cumann na mBunscol was well represented by his Dublin colleagues and many others who travelled to be present. 

The sadness of the occasion was well balanced by the many happy memories of the man who made such an immense contribution to the GAA at school, county, provincial and national level. 

Is cinnte go bhfuil leaba imeasc na naomh ag an bhfear uasal. 

Happy Days - Tom Fitzpatrick with Ciarán Kilkenny in Croke Park

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