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Coaching seminar in aid of Zambia Immersion Project

Coaching seminar in aid of Zambia Immersion Project

Wed, 11th January 2017

Former Dublin senior footballer Ger Brennan and current Dublin ladies football manager Mick Bohan are two of the speakers at the GAA Coaching Seminar that takes place at Lucan’s Coláiste Phádraig CBS on Saturday, January 21.

Dublin and Lucan Sarsfields hurling hero, Johnny McCaffrey, will be on the stage to chair a question and answer session.

Two other highly respected coaching figures, John Morrison and Val Andrews, are also on the bill.

It’s in aid of the Coláiste Phádraig Zambia Immersion Project 2017.

The days begins at 10am with Ger Brennan on Individual and Group Defence. Mick Bohan follows with Skill Development and Games to promote good decision making in attack.

John McCaffrey’s panel will discuss the traits of an elite coach from a player’s and manager’s perspective.

John Morrison will deal with performing under pressure, and Val Andrews will outline the benefits of using technology to enhance coaching.

The cost is €20. Contact Ger Lyons (087-6109012) email:

Dublin v Waterford - GAA Hurling All-Ireland Senior Championship Quarter-Final


Ten students from Coláiste Phádraig CBS, Lucan are currently fundraising for an Immersion trip to Zambia in May 2017.

The ten dedicated students along with their mentors are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to achieve the large sum of money which is required to fund this trip.

This trip will last for a duration of ten days. It will include students and teachers working in schools/clinics during the day while spending the evenings in orphanages helping however they can.

The students will also integrate with the children by playing games and teaching them about life as a teenager in Ireland.

The three schools they plan to visit are Ngwenya, Lunda and Libuyu, all in Zambia.

The Lucan contingent will also be visiting the Lubasi Orphanage as well as the YCTC (Youth Community Training Centre).

The school views this as a once in a lifetime opportunity for the ten students.

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