Austie Hynes: 70 years a Ger
by Rory Merriman
A special event was held last month in honour of Geraldine P. Moran’s longstanding club member Austin Hynes (Austie), who was celebrating 70 years of service to the parish.
A commemorative function took place in St. Bridget’s boys’ National School in Foxrock, a stone’s throw from the 78-year-old’s home in St. Bridget’s Park, to honour his devotion to the club.
“The event was organised and had been in the pipeline for some time to gather some of his old teammates, neighbours, friends in the area and indeed new members,” says Geraldine P. Moran’s club PRO Seán Hussey.
People travelled far and wide to commemorate the night with Austin- one even travelling from Leitrim for the occasion.
“Austie’s brother PJ, his daughter Carol and son John along with his grand-children and beloved wife Pauline were all there to celebrate with him on the night,” added Hussey.
Mayo born, Austin’s parents emigrated to Coventry in England to work and make a living in the late 1930s. Following a blitz to their home amid the second World War, they were forced back to Ireland where they found work on a farm in Foxrock through an ad in the paper.
“A local man, Austie joined Gers at a young age. A player well into his 50s, Austie kept the club going through thick and thin,” said Hussey.
“He trained underage teams, he’s been a player, coach, manager, volunteer and even a maintenance man throughout his time in the club,” he added.
Ever present with his fellow longstanding club member and close friend, Andy Gibbons, the pair are often spotted on the sideline of most of Geraldine P Moran’s men and ladies senior club games. Players will often greet Hynes before or after games as he continues to thrive as a notable figure in the club.
Austin was bestowed a commemorative book full of kind messages, wishes and old stories from friends, family and club members. He was gifted with a self-portrait as a symbol of thanks from the club and has since been elected an honorary vice president of the club.
“It was a great night, there were plenty of pictures being taken. The family were all trying to keep it a big secret,” revealed Austie himself. “It was a great surprise.”
Club chairman, Ger Moffatt paid tribute to Austie on the night with a kindly worded speech. “When I think of Austie it is with great pride that he is a friend and I know that this emotion is shared by many people.
“Austie, thank you for your amazing contribution to our great club, here’s to the next decade and in your own words “Up the Gers”, said Moffat.