To All Club Secretaries (and subsequent interested parties);
The recent CCC motion to restructure the Adult Football Championships (Please reference the below document '2018 & Beyond') was today passed by a huge majority at tonight's County Committee meeting. The revised football championship structure will come into operation in 2018.
As you may be aware the C.C.C. has, over the past couple of years, been conducting a review of our Adult Football Championships. It is generally accepted that our current one chance knockout system of football championship is not best suited to the needs of our players or clubs. There is also a view, among smaller clubs especially, that they are not getting a fair chance, by having to compete against 2nd or 3rd teams from bigger clubs, in their efforts to achieve championship success or the right to represent Dublin in the Leinster/All-Ireland Intermediate or Junior Club Championships.
The attached 2018 and Beyond document (See further down) has been produced following consultation with Players, Mentors, Clubs and other interested parties. It seeks to address the issues raised during the consultation process and to provide more meaningful games of a higher quality where Players and Teams have a realistic ambition of achieving Championship success..
2018 & Beyond
1. Introduction
2. Is Change Needed?
3. C.C.C Proposals
4. Conclusions
5. Members of CCC
1. Introduction
Over the last number of years CCC Átha Cliath has provided approximately 4000 games annually in both codes across 75 competitions ranging from minor to Adult 1 in cup, league and championship competition. The quality and competitiveness of competition is beyond doubt and is probably the highest of any county in the association. The league structure gives meaningful games through- out the season from March to October/November culminating in promotion and relegation .Our Junior, Intermediate and senior championships are seen as the jewel in the crown and the winners are proud of their achievements. Proof of this status particularly at senior level can be gauged by Dublin clubs participating in the concluding stages of Leinster and National club finals. This year for instance Cuala are Leinster and All Ireland champions and St. Vincent’s are Leinster champions .The last review /change was carried out some years ago resulting in our present championship format and has served us well but the need to change is all too obvious.
2. Is Change Needed?
Some will say “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” and some may consider that to be the case. CCC has listened to and sought the view of clubs and players over the last two years and it is apparent that there is a desire for a review of our football championships.
Some of the more common issued raised were the following:-
1.Too few games in Championships at all grades.
2. More streamlined competition appropriate to level of respective club.
3.One grade only clubs to compete at own level with an opportunity to represent county at that level.
4.Senior football championship in need of change (e.g.2 x16 team groups).
To expand on the above points some clubs for instance in SFC has suffered some embarrassing and heavy defeats against superior teams with no second chance of redemption.. Some club’s goal is simply to win one game and maintain status rather than having ambition of winning a championship. That lack of ambition and belief stifles growth and progress of a club. The opportunity for first team intermediate and junior clubs to represent the county at national level is neither an aspiration or a realistic goal
3. C.C.C Proposals
CCC proposes the following Championship Structures for season 2018 and beyond.
SFC “1” – 16 Teams
4 groups of 4
Top Two from each group qualify (open draw)
Winner represents Dublin
Bottom team in each group relegation play off (open draw)
Loser Relegated to SFC “2”
SFC “2” – 16 Teams
4 groups 4
Top 2 teams each group qualify (open draw)
Winner promoted to SFC 1
Bottom teams in each group relegation play off (open draw)
Loser – Relegated to IFC
IFC – 17 Teams
3 groups of 4 and 1 group 5.
Top two each group qualify (open draw)
Winner promoted to SFC2 and represents Dublin
Bottom team each group relegation play off (open draw)
Loser Relegated to JFC “1”
JFC “1” 16 teams.
4 groups 4
Top two each group qualify (open draw)
Winners Promoted to IFC
Winner represents Dublin
Bottom team each group relegation play off (open draw)
Loser relegated to JFC “2”
JFC “2” 14 teams.
2 groups of 3 and 2 groups 4
Top two each group qualify (open draw)
Winner promoted to JFC 1
No Relegation
All County Intermediate football championship
Clubs with SFC teams 12 teams
4 groups 3
Top two each group qualify (open draw)
Bottom team each group relegation play off
Loser relegated JFC1
All County Junior Football Championship
JFC’s 1,2,3 etc.
Club with Senior and/or Inter Ch. Teams
Format dependent on entries
Winner 1 promoted to IFC All County Championship.
Winners of 2 / 3 promoted All County Championship 1/2
Relegation from JFC’s 1 and 2.
SFC groups 1and 2 will be selected based on matches played and victories achieved over previous 5 (2013/17) years performances. Consideration will be given to clubs who have not yet reached a 5 year history. Semi-finalists to be seeded for following year’s first round draw where appropriate.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion CCC is of the belief that these proposed changes will give the club player more quality and meaningful games and will raise the ambition of his club of achieving success .Clubs can now plan for competition in the belief that their opponents will be of standard similar to their own and will approach games in a more confident mind set. Supporters will have a wider choice of attractive games to choose from and media attention will be intensified around our fixtures.
5. Members of CCC
Mick Seavers (Erins Isle)
Donie Kerin (Ballyboden St Enda’s)
Noel Murphy (Trinity Gaels)
Aidan Sheils (Clontarf)
Brendan Mullally (St Margaret’s)
Cathal O’ Donnell (St Sylvester’s)
Tom Rock (Kilmacud Crokes)
Eamon Potts (Good Counsel)
Colm Crowley (Fingallians)
Denis Carr (St. Oliver Plunketts ER)
Ollie Ryan (Parnell’s)
CCC Secr. John Mc Nicholas (Dublin County Board)