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Rescheduled CCC2 Fixtures as of Wednesday March 9th

Rescheduled CCC2 Fixtures as of Wednesday March 9th

Thu, 10th March 2016

Further to Cathaoirleach CCC2, John Larkin's , email  to Juvenile Secretaries yesterday ( March 9th), I attach a file containing the same information.

It can also be viewed / downloaded at :

The information is also reflected on website under "Upcoming Fixtures" at

The original referee stays with the fixture and all matches can be played in advance of the dates shown by agreement.

Reminder also that if your League Rd.1 game Venue was reversed because of pitches and Rd.2 has not been reversed on the system you need to email details to

extract from CCC2 League Regulations:

  • Where a fixture is reversed in the first round of a double round league, the original home team is responsible for notifying CCC2 of the change of venue within 2 weeks of the date of the original fixture. The reverse fixture will then be amended on the system to show the 2nd fixture being at home. Should a club fail to notify CCC2 in this period, the 2nd fixture will remain fixed at their oppositions ground as per advance fixtures.

As all CCC2 teams have now played at least one match since the season commenced ( Hurling started Feb.27th) , the probationary period for below regulations is now over.

  • Bibs must be worn by all mentors, to a maximum of 4 mentors per team. Any person who is wearing a bib on the side-line is deemed to be a mentor. CCC2 will sanction as such, any person reported by a referee for misconduct.
  • Teams failing to wear bibs will be fined €25
  • Team lists and substitution slips must be issued to the referee for all games
  • Failure to issue team sheet will see teams fined €10
  • Cumulative fines for bibs and team sheets will be issued monthly, clubs have one month from date of issue to pay these fines, failure to do so will result in teams home fixtures being reversed until such time the fines are paid.

Yours in Sport,

Damian Ó Murchú

Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath



GAA Code of Behaviour

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