CCC2 attach the proposed football league gradings for the 2020 season.
These gradings are based on 2020 football league entries, agreed 2020 football league format and 2019 league performance.
Following seven grading games at U13 Football , CCC2 will regrade for divisions of 10 teams.
CCC2 will accept feedback by email only on the proposed gradings up to 5pm Wednesday January 8th from Juvenile Officers only - in proposing any divisional change, please indicate the Club Team who should be switched to facilitate your request.
These gradings will be confirmed at a CCC2 County Delegate meeting in Parnell Park at 8pm on Monday January 13th.
CCC2 ask the lead mentor for incoming U13 Football teams to be represented at the CCC2 County Delegate meeting in order to understand how CCC2 operates in contrast to CCC1 responsible for U8 to U12 competitions.
I also attach the agreed 2020 Master Juvenile Fixture Calendar previously issued in December 2019.
Proposed CCC2 Football Gradings for 2020 Season
2020 Master Juvenile Fixture Calendar
Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath