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Dublin GAA Juvenile update Monday January 12th

Dublin GAA Juvenile update Monday January 12th

Mon, 12th January 2015

A Rúnaí, a chara,

I attach CCC1 proposed Football gradings to be discussed at tonight's CCC1 County Delegate meeting in Parnell Park at 8pm.

This version now contains information for U/12 teams ( 16 clubs covering 22 teams out of 97 failed to return their self-grading details as requested).

The advance year fixtures for CCC2 Football Leagues following last Thursday's CCC2 meeting will be issued by next Monday.

Please note the following deadlines:

  • 2015 Hurling Entry Form and this form should be returned to me by Monday 19th January ( I will only accept entries from a Juvenile or Club Secretary and your entry should cover the full hurling age group range of U8 to U16).
  • Your Club Juvenile Football Contact Details capture file for the 2015 season needs to be returned to Kathleen at by Friday 16th January at the latest.

Yours in Sport,
Damian Ó Murchú

Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath

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