A Rúnaí, a chara,
Atha Bliana Nua go leir.
CCC1 & CCC2 are currently in the process of grading over 2,500 teams for both hurling and football for the 2025 season.
I acknowledge that I have recently sent multiple emails requesting your feedback. Your prompt responses are crucial to ensure that each team is accurately graded for the upcoming 2025 season. Please adhere to the specified deadlines to facilitate this process.
In advance I thank you for this cooperation.
Upcoming Meetings
CCC2 ( under 13 to under 16) will hold a CCC2 County Delegates meeting on Tuesday 21st January in Parnell Park at 7.30pm.
CCC1 ( under 8 to under 12) will hold a CCC1 County Delegates meeting on Monday 27th January in Parnell Park at 7.30pm.
CCC2 & FRC Rule Changes
As previously advised like all bodies within the GAA , CCC2 are reviewing the new FRC rule changes.
The committee hope to be in a position to forward a proposal next week for discussion at the upcoming CCC2 County Delegates meeting.
The general view is to test the new rules by implementing all applicable rules for our underage club games.
What I can confirm is the CCC1 under 8 to under 12 playing rules will not change.
2025 Juvenile Calendar
The Master Juvenile Calendar for the 2025 season covering the age groups under 8 to under 16 was issued before Christmas.
Yours in Sport,
Damian Ó Murchú
Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath