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CCC1 Proposed Football Gradings for 2016 season

CCC1 Proposed Football Gradings for 2016 season

Sat, 9th January 2016

CCC1 attach 2016 Proposed Football Gradings ( U/8 to U/12) which will be discussed at a CCC1 County Delegate meeting next Monday January 11th at 8pm in Parnell Park .

Can Clubs please review and advise CCC1 at this meeting if any changes required .. teams added or to be removed. Following Mondays meeting Clubs are tied into these ( U/8 -U/11) groupings until the end of June. Similar to last year your delegate at Monday's meeting should also indicate for the U/11 Group 2 ( 2 teams) if they wish to be classified as a 2A team or 2B team.

U/8 , U/9 & U/10 Football is organised on a Northside and Southside basis. U/11 & U/12 is All County but for U/11 Group 3 (1 team) , CCC1 will allow a Northside / Southside split if Clubs seek this and the number of teams is feasible.

At U/12 CCC1 has graded for 105 individual teams. As no results are recorded by rule up to U/11 , CCC1 is applying the self grading information supplied by Clubs. Following confirmation of the U/12 Blitz gradings ... Groups of 6 teams will play 5 games ... CCC1 will then re-grade for U/12 Football Leagues with Divisions of 10 teams.

The about information can be viewed / downloaded at

Yours in Sport,

Damian Ó Murchú

Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath


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