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CCC1 Changes for the 2017 Season

CCC1 Changes for the 2017 Season

Fri, 18th November 2016

Below is correspondence from Cathaoirleach CCC1 , Anne O'Dea

It is important your incoming U8, U9, U10 & U11 Mentors for the 2017 Season take this information into account when supplying you as Juvenile Secretary with the 2017 Football Team Entries due to be submitted in the coming weeks ( Hurling 2017 entries required in mid January)


At the Coiste na nÓg meeting last week in Parnell Park, CCC1 proposed a change to the 2017 season - the purpose being (i) to encourage and support smaller clubs with single teams, (ii) to provide variety of games for clubs of all sizes and (ii) to encourage player retention at all levels.

All club delegates present participated in the discussion, supported the changes and were asked to bring the details back to their clubs. CCC1 will now give a brief overview of what is being proposed at U8, U9, U10 and U11 age groups:

At present if a club has 5 teams - at the same age group - they can only enter a 3 team group and a 2 team group. A club with 4 teams must enter 2 X two team groups.

CCC1 has found that this situation is not benefiting 1 team clubs for the following reasons:

  • There is no variety - as they are playing the same opposition every year.
  • If there are insufficient numbers of single teams entered in January, CCC1 has no option but to amalgamate them with 2 team clubs - leading to an unbalanced match with an excess of players available for the 2 team club and an inevitable defeat for the 1 team who may only have the minimum number of players available.
  • CCC1 also feels that some clubs are entering into the 2 team group - to avoid being in the 1 team group - even though they do not have sufficient players for 2 teams leading to even more frustration for both clubs.

The Committee is proposing the following:

  • A club with 3 teams, can enter a 3 team group, or a 2 team and 1 team group
  • A club with 4 teams, can enter 3 team and 1 team group or 2 X 2 team group
  • Club with 5 teams can enter 3 team and 2 team groups or 2 X 2 team and 1 team group.

In December when football entries are being accepted for the 2017 season, clubs will be asked to state the preference for their club and we would encourage clubs to join the 1 team groups.

We would also ask clubs to ensure that the have sufficient numbers of players for the groups they intend to enter - 20 to 25 players is not enough for a 3 team group at U9 ( which is 9-a-side).

If insufficient teams are entered in 1 team groups, CCC1 will reassess the situation when the groupings are being compiled.

Also for the 2017 season, CCC1 is proposing to combine Northside and Southside for U10 3 team football groups, as we currently do for U10 hurling , making it a countywide group... at U10 all 2 team & 1 team groupings will remain Northside and Southside. This football proposal in line with hurling and has been requested by clubs seeking greater variety in football opponents at the U10 age group... U8 &U9 groupings will remain split Northside and Southside in both codes.


Yours in Sport,

Damian Ó Murchú

Damian Murphy
Coiste na nÓg Átha Cliath

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